GTK+ Workshop in Daejeon

Hello, everyone!

There is a meetup named Cron-a-thon held by Ubuntu-KR Daejeon team every 2 weeks. However, I put the workshop on the table at the meetup 3 months ago. The administrators and I talked about the organization of an event for the beginners who were into how to build a GTK+ application in Python. That was the beginning of the workshop.

Before we talk about the workshop, let's look at goods a bit.


They are so cool, aren't they?! I had stickers from our community, 30 sheets of stickers that ordered and brochures. The workshop wasn't just only for talking about GTK+, but also I wanted audiences to get to know about our community, GNOME. What we do and who we are looking for. The brochure was for that. Stickers? Well...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Developers like stickers.
- Unknown

The Workshop

was about how to build a GTK+ application for the beginners as I said above. So it consisted of several sections.

  1. What and why GTK+
  2. Basic principles
  3. Basic widgets (practice)
  4. Build a small project

The first and second sections talked about the foundation of GUI programming such as things behind GTK+ application, and rough ideas of Event-Driven Programming.

In my opinion, things behind GTK+ and how applications work are more significant than others. Once we have known what there are and how they work, we can clarify where we should examine for issues. For this reason, I wished they make sure of the foundation.

D-Day (Jan, 13th)

It was the day of the event, GTK+ workshop in Daejeon. I was really excited to see audiences. But on the other hand, I was nervous a bit!

The first and second sections talked about the foundation of GUI programming such as things behind GTK+ application, and rough ideas of Event-Driven Programming.

In my opinion, things behind GTK+ and how applications work are more significant than others. Once we have known what there are and how they work, we can clarify where we should examine for issues. For this reason, I wished they make sure of the foundation. Jan, 13th day

It was the day of the event, GTK+ workshop in Daejeon. I was really excited to see audiences. But on the other hand, I was nervous a bit!

They were really keeping an eye on the workshop and one more that, they found an issue in source code and fixed it themselves!

Anyway, the workshop took about 4 hours. There was a critical issue I did not expect, but I think we were successfully finished!

About Flatpak

To me, this workshop was a kind of trial to use Flatpak as a development environment. You might know that preparing the environment for audiences is absolutely painful. We have to think out of everything like ... they could have all different versions even in the same linux distro, or library dependencies! I really didn't want them to feel such a pain while setting up.

Using Virtual Machines like VirtualBox, VMware could be the one of the solutions, but GUI programs on that machines response slow. Also in the meantime, while I was preparing, I thought of Flatpak as another option. It was really cool. I did not need to take care of the dependencies at all. With pre-installed GNOME SDK and GNOME Builder, just done.

Problems are always unpredictable
- Me

One of them brought Ubuntu 16.04. He was done with SDK and Builder installation. But when he tried to run an application for the practice session, he got errors that could not run. For the workaround, he run them on his host machine instead of Flatpak.

Yet we should use Virtual Machines for providing the same environment. But I am sure that Flatpak will be there in the future.

Thanks to

First, I would like to give BIG THANKS to Ubuntu-KR Daejeon team and GNOME community staffs. I couldn't have done this workshop without their helps. Also, 강천성 who is a student of CNU, he helped with printing out the brochures.

This organization was my first time. I was not enough, but I have learnt how I should be ready to give a speech. See you guys next time, Bye! :-)
